I've been listening to the MR500 for years. I am wondering what songs do you think should have been in that are missing. Or vice versa, what songs were there that you think were not worthy?
I will start off with a few that I think should have been in.
Valerie Loves Me - Material Issue
Veronica - Elvis Costello
1970 Red Chevelle - Eleni Mandell
Every Generation Got its Own Disease - Fury in the Slaughterhouse Marmalade - Geraldine Fibbers
Murder, Tonight, In The Trailer Park - Cowboy Junkies
Anything by Stereolab would have been a good addition. Song to omit? My top vote for that category is Fast Car by Tracy Chapman. Never liked it and then it was played to hell.
I'm not sure if these were missing necessarily, but I definitely had some flashbacks to other songs. Top of my list that I said "Hello!" to in my brain were...
frente! - Labour of Love
Frente! - Labour of Love (1994) - YouTube
Imperial Teen - You're One
Imperial Teen - You're One (official music video - 1996) - YouTube
With Nirvana at #1, the first omission that occurred to me is Teenage Fanclub. A song off Bandwagonesque - Star Sign? The Concept? What You Do To Me? - should have made the list.